53 Knightsbridge Road

Suite 216
Piscataway, NJ 08540

Call Center / Contact Center Services

Customer Service Outsourcing with No Commitment

Veterans BPO has specialized Inbound and Outbound Contact Center packages which help create a lifetime of contact and rapport with your dedicated customers. With no long-term commitments, you have the flexibility and options to respond to the needs of your clients and prospects.

End-to-end Inbound Contact Center Solutions

Customer questions come in phone calls, chat messages, emails and SMS messages, all at the same time.  For companies who are not set up to handle multiple inputs simultaneously, it can be hard to respond to everything all at the same time. To make things worse, each one is as important as the other, you can’t prioritize. But when you use an Veterans BPO Contact Center to respond immediately to a customer you create an instant favorable impression. When you respond well, you brand loyalty at the same time.

Veterans BPO offers tailored Contact Center solutions allowing you to address any query from any platform, at any time. Customers will feel like they are talking directly with you and getting a response which is specific to them and addresses their concerns or interests. You’re always available to your customers in the way they want to talk to you.

We respond to your customers no matter how they contact you

Phone, email, chat, or submission forms

24/7 email, phone and chat support

Pricing based on the entire campaign, by hours used or By each single call, email, text


Your exact requirements are our blueprint for the Inbound Call Center. We structure, plan technology and resources based on the things you need and when you need them.

Our agents are 100% Native English / Spanish Speakers (and there are other languages available too). Our technology is state-of-the-art and we run a program of continual improvement to stay ahead of tech trends.

Lastly, we are endlessly creative when it comes to pricing. This is not some outsource-straightjacket. This is a modern Contact Center responding to your needs.

Outbound Contact Center Solutions – gets you the business you need…

Being exceptional about Outbound Calling requires dedication and persistence. Many companies are too busy with their day-to-day business to get involved in outbound work, but when you do, it is one of the fastest ways to get results.

Using Veterans BPO for outbound work results in better information, faster and more dynamically than you could ever achieve in house. It is all a question of focus. Whether you want to run a lead generation campaign or reach out to your existing customers to reward their loyalty, our outbound teams fit seamlessly into your marketing initiatives and delivery the results and data.


Our teams are cross-trained and so we can also create a hybrid Inbound / Outbound situation where the agent will realize during the conversation they should talk about some other aspect of your services. Sometimes a client is on an older product or service and will be happy when they are upgraded or moved to a more modern version – either way expect your C-SAT figures to improve.

Don’t forget, all of our agents are based here in the US.

Whether you just need a virtual assistant to answer the phone or a Full Inbound / Outbound Call Center, 24 x 7 Veterans BPO can help

No job is too small and when you don’t have the scope for it in-house turn to Veterans BPO, before you know it you’ll be getting the results you need. Contact us to find out more.


Provide support 24/7 or during dedicated hours.


Increase customer retention and personalize interactions with your brand in the process.

Call center worker accompanied by her team. Smiling customer support operator at work. Young employee working with a headset.

Maximize your conversions by assigning callbacks when a customer submits information to your website.


Additional help provided for high-volume promotions, sales or holidays.