53 Knightsbridge Road

Suite 216
Piscataway, NJ 08540

Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance Drives Your Success

How do you define Quality? By measuring and quantifying every steps of the process and assessing it against strictly documented client requirements.

Our Inbound and Outbound Centre managers build Quality check and balances into each step of every campaign, so we can report on the things which are critical to you.

At Veterans BPO, we follow a meticulous process which is adjusted as necessary to meet your strict requirements.

Quality Applies Across The Organization

Monitoring Criteria

From experience we will guide you on what to measure and how it is measured.
From there we will construct calibration monitoring, teams forms and processes

Monitoring Processes and Capture

Next, we will set up the reporting process, including the strict measurements, the frequency and the report structure.
Finally, we will automate the process so you can keep your finger on the pulse every step of the way.

What we Monitor

We can measure everything. If you feel you need a specific item measuring, we can check it. Standard QA measurements include Call Service Levels, First Call Resolution, Fatal Errors and many more.
Agent Quality is continuously monitored at all stages of a call, chat interaction or email exchange.

Setting QA standards leads to widespread benefits

• We can drive our costs down and pass those savings to you
• We decrease the numbers of returns or refunds by driving customer satisfaction
• High-Quality interactions lead to customer loyalty and satisfaction
• Better quality feedback on products and services
• You get a deeper understanding of customer pain points

How Do We Assess Quality?


1. Apply relevant current measurement
2. Assess areas for further improvement
3. Implement client needs and requirements
4. Create a Quality Strategy
5. Implement manual tests to ensure they work correctly
6. Automate the process
7. Train QA Supervisors as necessary

Discover how Our QA works for you

Discover how Our QA works for you